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Take a walk: It gives you a lift when you feel pooped out. Have you considered other reasons why you may be experiencing fatigue, low sex drive, and other symptoms attributable to low testosterone?

Consider getting a second opinion from an endocrinologist.

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After starting therapy, follow-up with your physician periodically to have testosterone checks and other lab tests to make sure the therapy is not causing any problems with your prostate or blood chemistry. Approach testosterone therapy with if you are at high risk for prostate cancer; have severe urinary symptoms from prostate enlargement; or have diagnosed heart disease, a previous heart attack, or multiple risk factors for heart problems.

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Testosterone therapy is not a fountain of youth. There is no proof that it will restore you to the level of physical fitness or sexual function of your youth, make you live longer, prevent heart disease or prostate cancer, or improve your memory or mental sharpness. Do not seek TRT therapy with these expectations in mind. If erectile function has been a problem, testosterone therapy might not fix it.

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In fact, it might increase your sex drive but not allow you to act on it. You may also need medication or other therapy for difficulty getting or maintaining erections. As a service to our readers, Harvard Health Publishing provides access to our library of archived content. Please note the date of last review or update on all articles. No content on this site, regardless of date, trtsporbet Hubblebet Girişi ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.

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Slowing down racing thoughts. August 29, Understand the potential risks and consider alternatives before boosting your hormones indefinitely. Ask your doctor to explain the various side effects for the different formulations of testosterone. The different treatments include testosterone injections, gels and patches. You may update your settings by clicking on "MailCentral" in the Email section of your control panel. Unable to log into the Control Panel?

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